Saturday 4 August 2012

Superposition Theorem And Method Of Solving Superposition Theorem

Superposition Theorem And Method Of Solving Superposition Theorem

This theorem is only applicable for those circuits, having two or more than two energy source.

Statement: -The net effect produced in a resistance is equal to the individual effect produced in same resistance.

Here, Individual effect is that effect, produced when one energy source is active at a time and other source are deactivated.

It is the method of finding current in all the resistances by the each of the containing energy source.

Method of finding current through superposition Theorem

Consider a circuit,

Step 1st:- Activating ‘E1’ source at a time and other source will be deactivated.
                      Method of Deactivation of an Energy Source
       Source                                                              Method
1.                 Voltage Source/
            Battery Source/                  ---                   Short-circuited
            E.M.F Source
2.        Current Source                   ---                   Open-circuited

After deactivation circuit becomes,

Step 2nd:- Now, we have to find out current in each resistance by using any application.

Here, In ‘R2’ resistance circuit is opened. So, current in ‘R2’ resistance is zero.
By using Ohm’s law, we can easily find out the value of current in ‘R1’ & ‘R2’.
Step 3rd:-Again, Activating ‘E2’ source at a time and other source will be deactivated.
Finding  current through ‘E2’ source.
Applying current division rule,we get

Step 4th:- 
Now, Final Circuit is,
In final circuit the entire energy source will be activated and the current flows in as same direction will be mentioned when one energy source will be activated as shown in figure below.

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