Delta Wye Transformation Formula, Delta to Star Conversion, Delta Wye Example
In this chapter, we will learn about “How to convert a delta to star/wye connection in a circuit/network”.
Below is the example of a Delta network, for which we will convert this circuit from Delta to WYE circuit.
Follow the step as below explained:-We have R12, R13 and R23 resistances connecting to each other such that they form a delta connections.
Firstly understand that Why It is important to know the
conversation/transformation of a “delta to wye or wye to delta”.
For example, If a circuit required to calculate equivalent resistance then sometimes it is impossible to simply the circuit by any other method specially if it form a delta or wye connection. By this way, we can easily used formula to determine the equivalent resistance for the given circuit.
Let’s Move Forward With Topic:-
Draw a imaginary dot line in such a manner that it form Star by
connecting point 1, point 2 & point 3 to mid of the delta circuit that they
form star connection as explained below:-
This is Called “Star/Wye Connection” for the new network.
For Star/Wye circuits the new resistances is RA , RB and RC having new resistance value’s.
For RA , RB and RC , we have direct formula’s which we will use, No need of derivation.
Kindly used and note down in your notebook direct formulas for “Delta
To Wye/Star” as given below:-
Examples based on this formula are in our next post. Kindly check next topic for more practical details.
How to remember?
“Resistance of each arm of the star is given by the product of the resistances of the two delta sides that meet at its end divided by the sum of the three delta resistances”.
Kindly Checkout Other Topics for More Deep Practical Knowledge.
Thanks For Reading & Learning.
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